for the very circus itself, a tradition timelss, a family decended of the sanger heritage, truly a place fit for a funambulist, this time hot footing along a slack wire on fire....
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Not wishing to get muddy footprints upon the recently tarmacked street in east london, we can see that the good sense of our Anaspitos has lead him to string his rope accross the road... thus posing the question; why did the rope walker cross the road?
this is an unusual snapshot.. here we catch Anaspitos on his summer holiday. Still ropewalking of course but here he looks like a shadow of his former self... like he's in an invisible circus!
deep within the heart of greece, lies the beautiful isle of crete, more ancient than the minotor itself.. another "rope walk" here we see anaspitos balanced up some years ago, creating moments of cabaret for a room full of onlookers, as laghter flows forth, coins flow equally and equanamously, another day another chance to laugh, live and love life!
spotted again, it mus have been a couple of years ago now... drinking tea and raising a toast to and old friend in london town to celebrate the wedding of that great deletist richard galpin, ever prepared for all types of weather, our faithfull anaspitos with umbrella in hand and tea cups in pocket.. a lovely afternoon to get some fun done in london!
despite the cleverly clever disguise in the form of goucho glasses, Anaspitos was spotted south of the equator in Brasil treading that tiny line between mayan sybols sure enough, high up and weiding nothing but a small umbrella between himself and the ground bellow.. with d.j. in booth behind and twisted sounds and beats eminating from speakers, it could be considered nothing less than psychedelic!
accompanyed by the voice of william burrows imortalised on recorded micro chip, Anaspitos sees in the dawn as a couple of hundred onlookers stand transfixed at the swindon literature festival 2011.. nature provides the greatest art but the voice reminds us to ask ourselves.. "what are we here for?"